This is a complete segment on planning, organizing, and executing classes
how to prepare for classes
how to organize your class for each workout at every studio
how to organize for the flow of each workout
how to stagger members for an organized workout
proper “etiquette” in executing classes
How to prepare for your class:
Look at the workout the day before your class
Make sure you understand the format and know all of the movements. Use the technique videos to support
Look at your class roster, look at how many people are in class
This will determine how to split up your classes
Check this for new clients to be aware of as well
Have an idea of how you will set up your class to support the number of clients and the workout
How to organize your classes:
set up equipment in a fashion that makes the workout flow throughout the studio
If possible, make the flow go in a clock-wise or counter clock-wise flow so clients avoid running into each other
set up equipment so that it is clean and organized in lines or formats, that is doesn’t look like it’s just thrown together
How to execute your classes:
Introduce yourself, go through the intro and clearly explain the format and follow by demonstrating the movement techniques
Avoid at all cost looking at the screen over and over, use it as a guide at most
Have a warm up planned prior, know how to split the warm up into groups based on the size of the class
Split up the clients into even groups based off your planning, be sure to clearly state where they go and they must stay in this group as you transition
For example, to keep the stations not crowded on strength circuit days you can place 5 people in each station at the 7 movements for a total of 35 people without being overcrowded
Staggering in your classes
For example, in a class of 30 people with a workout of intervals of :30 at 2 movements where one movement is ski and the second movement is push ups, you will stagger this section with 5 people starting on the ski and 5 starting on the push ups even if the programming states a different order
before class, the intstructor should make sure they have a timer set up for the class format.